Saturday, September 26, 2009


Anyone interested to attend occupational safety and health courses? E.g Safety & Health Officer Certificate Program, Basic First Aid, Confined Space, Chemical Handling & many more. Reasonable fee, flexible time, opportunity to acquire survival skills & highly rewarding career afterward. Guidance from competent & experienced trainers. Contact me:

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Allan G Dumbong
Auditor (i), Trainer & Consultant
ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004, OSHAS 18001:2007, BS 25999 BCM

For two (2) days on 11-12 Aug 2009, a course on the implementation of the latest BSI Standard, BS25999 Business Continuity Management System (BCMS), was held at the Federal Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. This is arguably the first of its kind ever conducted here in Malaysia.

The BSI’s “Implementing BS 25999” course provides participants with practical tools and methods of implementing business continuity management. This implementation course is based on industry best practice and the Business Continuity Management (BCM) Code of Practice BS 25999-1:2006 & the auditable Specification BS25999-2:2007, which were released by BSI. Practical exercises provide students with the opportunity to gain skills to introduce BCM into an organization. Students will return to their organizations with the knowledge of how to implement a business continuity management system based on BS 25999.

This course is suitable for those interested in the implementation of BS 25999, particularly those involved in developing, operating, and/or maintaining business continuity systems based on BS 25999.· It is also suitable for those professionals interested or involved with introducing BS 25999 into an organization.· Some who have started doing works as Business Continuity Managers, Business Managers or other Professionals involved with other management systems can also fit into the program well.· Or, the participants can simply be those required by their manager/organization to learn about implementation of a BCM.

The program outline of the BS 25999 Implementation covers:

  • Introduction to BCM
  • Elements of the BCM Lifecycle
  • Business Continuity Management Program
  • Roles and Responsibilities required for a BCM program
  • BCM Policy
  • Documentation within a BCM
  • Implementation and ongoing management of a BCM program
  • Understanding the organization
  • Determining BC Strategies
  • Distinguish between a BC strategy and BCM plans
  • Developing and implementing a BCM response
  • Embedding BCM in organisation’s culture
  • Awareness of BCM in an organization
  • The registration Process

Actually, this course can be conducted all over Malaysia, either through public program or in-house. The training can be arranged that it is claimable under the HRDF SBL Scheme.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Implementing BS 25999 Business Continuity Management (BCM) Training

BSI’s “Implementing BS 25999” course provides participants with practical tools and methods of implementing business continuity management. This implementation course is based on industry best practice and the Business Continuity Management (BCM) Code of Practice released by BSI, BS 25999-1:2006. Practical exercises provide students with the opportunity to gain skills to introduce BCM into an organization. Students will return to their organizations with the knowledge of how to implement a business continuity management system based on BS 25999.

Date: 11 – 12 Aug 09
Fee: RM1800.00
Venue: Federal Hotel, KL

Who Should Attend?
· Anyone interested in the implementation of BS 25999.
· Participants involved in developing, operating, and/or maintaining business continuity systems based on BS 25999.
· Professionals interested or involved with introducing BS 25999 into an organization.
· Business Continuity Managers.
· Business Managers.
· Consultants.
· Professionals involved with other management systems.
· Participants required by their manager/organization to learn about implementation of a BCM.

Program Outline:
Introduction to BCM
Elements of the BCM Lifecycle
Business Continuity Management Program
Roles and Responsibilities required for a BCM program
BCM Policy
Documentation within a BCM
Implementation and ongoing management of a BCM program
Understanding the organization
Determining BC Strategies
Distinguish between a BC strategy and BCM plans
Developing and implementing a BCM response
Embedding BCM in organisation’s culture
Awareness of BCM in an organization
The registration Process

Courses can be arranged In-house.
All trainings are 100% HRDF Claimable under SBL Scheme.

For more information, kindly contact:
Ms Evelyn Chye
BSI Management Systems Malaysia Sdn Bhd
Suite 19.05, Level 19 Wisma Goldhill, 65 Jalan Raja Chulan, 50200 Kuala Lumpur
T: 03-2032 2252 Ext 110 / HP: 012-2122 576, F: 03-2032 2253
Or Allan (016-8325071)


BSI’s “BS 25999 Lead Auditor” course provides students with the skills and knowledge to conduct and lead effective business continuity management system audits in accordance with the requirements of BS 25999-2:2007. The course explains the principles and practices of independent auditing for a business continuity management system and guides students through the entire audit process, from managing an audit program to reporting on audit results. Students will gain the necessary auditing skills through a balance of formal classroom tutorials, practical role-playing, group workshops, and open forum discussions.

Date: 3-7 August 2009
Fee: RM5,500
Venue: Federal Hotel, KL

Program Outlines:
Lead an Audit of a Business Continuity Management System
Develop an Internal Audit Programme
Carry out an Audit of a business continuity management system
Clarify the different purposes of BS 25999 Part 1 and Part 2
Explain the requirements of BS 25999-2:2007
Understand the Business Continuity Management Code of Practice BS 25999-1:2006
Articulate and present audit findings
Manage successful audit communication and interviews
Write a succinct audit report
Conduct Opening, Closing, and follow-up audit meetings

Who Should Attend!
*Existing lead auditors in other schemes
*Business continuity professionals (BCI, DRII) *Consultants *Business Continuity Managers * ICT Managers * Information Security Professionals * Internal and external auditors responsible for auditing business continuity practices

For more information, kindly contact:
Ms Evelyn Chye
BSI Management Systems Malaysia Sdn Bhd
Suite 19.05 , Level 19 Wisma Goldhill
65 Jalan Raja Chulan, 50200 Kuala Lumpur
T: 03-2032 2252 Ext 110 / 012-2122 576, F: 03-2032 2253
E:, W:

Sunday, January 18, 2009

New Book


Penulis: Dayu Sansalu, PhD
Penerbit: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP)
No. KK: 305 208915101
No. ISBN: 9789836299833
Tahun Terbitan: 2008
Harga Buku: RM65.00

Buku Kadazandusun di Sabah ini memaparkan perkembangan pendidikan sebelum dan selepas kedatangan pengaruh Barat dan kesannya terhadap pemodenan masyarakat Kadazandusun di Sabah antara tahun 1881-1967. Buku ini juga membincangkan perkembangan pendidikan yang mengakibatkan perubahan cara hidup tradisional masyarakat Kadazandusun dari segi sosial, ekonomi dan politik. Pembaca buku ini pastinya mendapat gambaran keadaan masyarakat Kadazandusun pada zaman tradisional, zaman pemerintahan kesultanan Brunei dan Sulu, zaman Syarikat Berpiagam Borneo Utara (SBBU) dan zaman penjajah serta selepas merdeka menerusi Malaysia hingga tahun 1976. Buku ini diharapkan dapat menjadi rujukan para penyelidik, pendidik, pelajar Institut Pengajian Tinggi dan pembaca umum yang ingin mendapatkan pengetahuan mengenai Kadazandusun di Sabah.

Dapatkan daripada:
Borneo Resources Network Sdn Bhd
Tel: 016-8325071

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


If you know any vacancy for Safety and Health Officers (SHO) or other OSH related jobs, please feel free to email to us: We'll compile the data and will try to match them with competent officers/personnel. Our very mission is to help both job seekers and employers in this OSH field.


We supply the original copy of following documents:

1. Occupational Health & Safety Management System / OHSAS 18001:2007 standard. Price: £50 (RM260.00)


BS OHSAS 18001:2007 Occupational health and safety management systems. Requirements specifies requirement for an occupational health and safety (OH&S) management system, to enable an organization to control its OH&S risks and improve its performance.
It does not state specific OH&S performance criteria, nor does it give detailed specifications for the design of a management system, which is given in BS 8800:2004. BS OHSAS 18001:2007 is the UK implementation of OHSAS and has the status of a British Standard.
BS OHSAS 18001:2007 implements, as a British Standard, OHSAS 18001:2007, which supersedes OHSAS 18001:1999 but remains current until 01 July 2009.
There have been a number of significant changes to the standard since the first edition was published in 1999.
The changes reflect the widespread use and experience of the standard in more than 80 countries, and by approximately 16,000 certified organizations
Principal amongst the changes are much greater emphasis on "health" rather than just "safety", and significantly improved alignment to BS EN ISO 14001:2004 (to enable organizations to develop "integrated management systems").
Summary of key changes between BS OHSAS 18001:2007 and OHSAS 18001:1999
The importance of "health" has now been given greater emphasis.
BS OHSAS 18001 now refers to itself as a standard, not a specification, or document, as in the earlier edition. This reflects the increasing adoption of OHSAS 18001 as the basis for national standards on occupational health and safety management systems.
The "Plan-Do-Check-Act" model diagram is only given in the Introduction, in its entirety, and not also as sectional diagrams at the start of each major clause.
Reference publications in Clause 2 have been limited to purely international documents.
New definitions have been added, and existing definitions revised.
Significant improvement in alignment with BS EN ISO 14001:2004 throughout the standard; and improved compatibility with BS EN ISO 9001:2000.
A new requirement has been introduced for the consideration of the hierarchy of controls as part of OH&S planning
Management of change is now more explicitly addressed
A new clause on the "Evaluation of compliance" has been introduced, as per BS EN ISO 14001:2004
New requirements have been introduced for participation and consultation
New requirements have been introduced for the investigation of incidents
Other important information
For those organizations that have already achieved certification to OHSAS 18001:1999, or are in the final stages of achieving it, a two year "transition" period has been agreed, in order to allow them to make the change to using the new standard. The transition period will end on 1 July 2009. We do not believe that this will be a difficult process for such organizations.
For those organizations that are just starting down the path towards seeking certification to BS OHSAS 18001, and are looking for guidance to assist them, them we would recommend using the sister standard OHSAS 18002:2000 Occupational health and safety management systems - Guidelines for the implementation of OHSAS 18001. While this standard is aligned on a clause by clause basis against OHSAS 18001:1999, it does still contain valuable advice on what you need to do to achieve compliance. The OHSAS Project Group is about to start work to revise this standard, with a target of the end of the 3rd quarter of 2008 for publication of a revised edition.

2. BS OHSAS 18002:2008 Occupational health and safety management systems. Guidelines for the implementation of OHSAS 18001:2007.

Published: November 2008
No. of pages: 90

ISBN: 978 0 580 626869
Price: 60 pounds sterling

Organizations of all kinds are increasingly concerned with achieving and demonstrating sound occupational health and safety (OH&S) performance. Organizations want to control their OH&S risks, consistent with their OH&S policy and objectives.
Many organizations have undertaken OH&S reviews or audits to assess their OH&S performance. On their own, however, these reviews and audits may not be sufficient to provide an organization with the assurance that its performance not only meets, but also will continue to meet, its legal and policy requirements. To be effective, they need to be conducted within a structured management system that is integrated within the organization.
The OHSAS Standards covering OH&S management provide organizations with the elements of an effective OH&S management system that can be integrated with other management requirements and help organizations achieve OH&S and economic objectives.
BS OHSAS 18002 provide generic assistance for establishing, implementing or improving an OH&S management system and demonstrates successful implementation of
BS OHSAS 18001.
BS OHSAS 18001 specifies requirements for an OH&S management system to help an organization develop and implement a policy and objectives, which take into account legal requirements and information about OH&S risks. It applies to all types and sizes of organizations and accommodates diverse geographical, cultural and social conditions.

Who should use BS OHSAS 18002?

  • OH&S directors and managers
  • Safety practitioners
  • Facilities managers
  • HR directors and managers
  • Compliance officers
  • Risk managers
  • Quality managers
  • OH&S consultants

3. Quality Management System (QMS) / ISO 9001:2008 standard. Price: £80 (RM416.00)

4. Environmental Management System (EMS) / ISO 14001:2004 standard. Price: £120 (RM624.00)

Delivery charges: RM120.00

Borneo Resources Network Sdn Bhd, Tel/Fax: 088-253979
HP: 016-8325071

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Are you a trainer?
Do you deliver quality training?
Are you currently a trainer?
Do you have good speaking abilities?
Do you have good credential training programme?
Are you interested to collaborate?

If yes, we need to talk to you.Kindly forward us the following information to assist us in the evaluation process.
- Your contact details
- Your training programme title and the number of days require
- Your training programme outline:
Introduction, objectives & content- Your training methodology
- Your training target audience- Your training fees
- Your profile and experiences

Please email the above information to:

Thursday, January 1, 2009


1. B0002 Classifications, Packaging And Labelling Hazardous Chemicals Regulations 1997. Price: RM6.00

2. B0003 Control Of Industrial Major Accidents Regulations 1996. Price: RM6.00

3. B0004 Safety And Health Officer Regulations 1997. Price: RM6.00

4. B0005 Safety & Health Committee Regulations 1996. Price RM6.00

5. B0006 Use And Standard Of Exposure Of Chemicals Hazardous To Health Regulations 2000. Price: RM7.00

6. B0009 Guidelines For Public Safety & Health At Constructions Sites (DOSH). Price: RM4.00

7. B0010 Assessment Of The Health Risk Arising From The Use Of Chemicals In The Workplace, 2nd Edition (DOSH). Price: RM10.00

8. B0011 Guidelines On First Aid Facilities In The Workplace (DOSH). Price: RM8.00

9. B0012 Guidelines On Occupational Safety & Health In The Office (DOSH). Price: RM8.00

10. B0013 Guidelines For Classification Of Hazardous Chemicals (DOSH). Price:RM10.00

11. B0014 Guidelines For Labelling Of Hazardous Chemicals (DOSH). Price:RM9.00

12. B0015 Gudelines For The Formulation Of A Chemical Safety Data Sheet (DOSH). Price: RM9.00

13. B0017 Guidelines For The Registration Of Assessors, Hygiene Technician And Occupational Health Doctor (DOSH). Price: RM8.00

14. B0018 Guidelines For The Preparation Of A Chemical Register (DOSH). Price: RM8.00

15. B0019 Information On The Prohibition Of Substances From Certin Purpose (DOSH). Price: RM5.00

16. B0020 Guidelines On Medical Surveillance (DOSH). Price: RM18.00

17. B0021 Guidelines For The Preparation Of Demonstration Of Safe Operation Document (storage Of Liquefied Petroleum Gas In Cylinder (bm/bi) (DOSH). Price: RM8.00

18. B0022 Guidelines For The Preparation Of Demonstration Of Safe Operation Document (general) (bm/bi) (DOSH). Price: RM8.00

19. B0023 Guidelines For The Prevention Of Stress And Violence At The Workplace (Panduan Pencegahan Tekanan Dan Keganasan Di Tempat Kerja) (DOSH)). Price: RM16.00

20. B0024 Guidelines On Occupational Safety And Health For Standing At Work (DOSH). Price: RM9.00

21. B0025 Guidelines On Reproductive Health Policy & Programmmes At The Workplace (DOSH)Price:RM10.00

22. B0026 Guidelines On Monitoring Of Airbone Contaminant For Chemical Hazardous To Health (DOSH). Price: RM10.00

23. B0027 Guidelines On Occupational Safety And Health In Agriculture (DOSH). Price: RM15.00

24. B0028 Guidelines On The Control Of Chemical Hazardous To Health (DOSH). Price: RM8.00

25. B0029 Factories And Machinery Act, 1967: With Regulations (mdc). Price:RM28.00

26. B0030 Salient Provision Of The Occupational Safety And Healthact 1994. Price: RM5.00

27. B0031 Akta Keselamatan Dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan 1994 (akta 514). Price: RM12.00

28. B0032 Akta Keselamatan Dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan 1994 (Akta 514) Dan Peraturan (MDC)Price: RM22.50

29. B0033 Environmental Quality Act 1974 (act 127) & Subsidiary Legislation (mdc). Price: RM29.00

30. B0034 Employment Act 1955 (act 265) & Regulation (ilbs). Price: RM18.00

31. B0035Employment Act 1955 And Regulations (mdc). Price: RM18.00

32. B0036Akta Bekalan Elektrik 1990 (akta 447) (mdc). Price: RM16.00

33. B0037Electricity Supply 1990 (ilbs). Price: RM23.00

34. B0038Akta Makanan 1983 (akta 281) & Peraturan (mdc). Price: RM27.50

35. B0039Food Act 1983 (all Amendments Up To April 2004)-mdc . Price RM27.50

36. B0040 Fire Services Act & Regulations (Akta Perkhidmatan Bomba Dan Peraturan), All Amendments Up To April 2004 (mdc). Price: RM17.00

37. B0041Uniform Building By-laws (all Amendments Up To May 2003)-(mdc). Price: RM22.00

38. B0042Akta Lembaga Pembangunan Industri Pembinaan Malaysia(cidb) (bm+b.i) Amendments Up To May,2003. Price: RM20.00

39. B0043Poison Act And Regulations (mdc). Price:RM28.00

40. B0044Industrial Relation Act And Regulations (mdc). Price: RM15.00

41. B0045Akta Dadah Berbahaya (p/h) Akta 340 (ilbs).Price: RM18.00

42. B0046Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 (234) (ilbs). Price: RM23.00

43. B0047Dangerous Drug Act 1952 (act234) (ilbs). Price:RM22.50

44. B0048Dangerous Drug Act (234) (mdc). RM15.00

45. B0049Akta Kerja 1955 (akta 265) (ilbs).RM18.00

46. B0050Akta Kualiti Alam Sekeliling 1974 (ilbs).RM33.00

47. B0051Destruction Of Disease Bearing Insects Act 1975 (act 154) (ilbs).RM13.00

48. B0052Police Act (1967) And Regulations- Bm/bi (mdc).RM15.00

49. B0053Undang-undang Kecil Bangunan Seragam 1984.RM18.00

50. B0054Pesticides Act 1974 (act 149) (as At 15th April By 2005)-ilbs.RM20.00

51. B0055Petroleum Legislation In Malaysia (as At 1 July 2003)-ilbs.RM36.00

52. B0056Road Transport Rules (compilation Of 45 Rules) - Ilbs.RM48.00

53. B0057Road Transport Rules -mdc.RM35.00

54. B0058Fire In Tall Buildings, Occupant's Safety And Owner's Liability.RM29.90

55. B0059Pengurusan Keselamatan Dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan (2nd Edition).RM50.00

56. B0060Medical Act 1971 (act 50) & Regulations : (as At 15th June 2004) - Ilbs.RM15.00

57. B0061Mengatasi Tekanan.RM39.90

58. B0062Tubuh Manusia.RM20.00

59. B0063Sales Of Drug Act 1952.RM10.00

60. B0064Gas Supply Act Regulations.RM20.00

61. B0065Multiple Choice Question On Occupational Safety And Health.RM15.00

62. B0067Dictionary Of Medical Terms.RM20.00

63. B0068Memerangi Penyakit Jantung.RM38.00

64. B0069Dare To Win.RM20.00

65. B0070Information System Management.RM28.00

66. B0071Speaking With Confidence.RM18.00

67. B0072Safety, Health & Environment Directory: 2004/2005.RM40.00

68. B0073Street, Drainage And Building Act (act 133).RM12.00

69. B0074Street, Drainage And Building Act (act 133) : Ilbs.RM13.00

70. B0075Employees' Socso; Security Act (socso) And Regulations (act 4).RM27.00

71. B0076Akta Keselamatan Sosial Pekerja Dan Peraturan (akta 4) (ilbs).RM28.00

72. B0077Road Transport Act (act 333).RM20.00

73. B0078Peningkatan Produktiviti Melalui Keselamatan Yang Berkesan Dengan Kos Yang Rendah (bm/bi).RM3.00

74. B0079Safety-health & Working Conditions (trainning Manual) + (checklist & Discussions Leader)-msosh. RM35.00

75. B0080Manual Pertolongan Cemas. RM35.00

76. B0081Buku Kecil Pertolongan Cemas. RM18.00

77. B0100Kod Amalan Bekerja Selamat Di Ruang Terkurung (code Of Practice For Safe Working In A Confined Space).RM18.00

78. B0101Koda Amalan Tentang Pencegahan Dan Pengurusan Hiv/aids Di Tempat Kerja.RM9.00

79. B0103Guidelines On Occupational Vibration.RM8.00

80. B0104Guidelines On Occupational Safety And Health For Seating At Work.RM8.00

81. B0105Occupational Safety And Health Management System- Guidelines (ms 1722-2003. RM25.00

82. B0106Organic Solvent And Occupational Health. RM25.00

83. B0107Safety, Health And Welfare On Construction Site : A Training Manual. RM60.00

84. B0108Industrial Ventilation : A Manual Of Recommended Practice (metric Version 23rd Edition).RM280.00

85. B0110Atomid Energy Licensing Act & Regulations (all Amendments Up To July 2003)38.00

86. B0111Akta Bahan Letupan (akta 207). RM7.50

87. B0112Explosive Act (act 207).RM7.50

88. B0113Akta Bahan-bahan Kakisan Dan Letupan Dan Senjata Berbahaya. RM7.50

89. B0114Corrosive And Explosive Substances And Offensive Weapon Act (act 357). RM7.50

90. B0117Occupational & Environmental Medicine. RM150.00

91. B0118Basic Of Industrial Hygiene. RM150.00

92. B0119Core Curriculum For Occupational & Environmental Health Nursing. RM180.00

93. B0120Program Perlindungan Pendengaran Pekerja. RM15.00

94. B0121Gangguan Seksual (sexual Harassment). RM25.00

95. B0122Keganasan Di Tempat Kerja (violence At Work). RM30.00

96. B0123Pengurusan Berkaitan Isu Alkohol Dan Dadah Di Tempat Kerja (management Of Alcohol And Drug Related Issues In The Workplace).RM25.00

97. B0124Recommendations On The Transport Of Dangerous Goods Model Regulations.RM300.00

98. B0125Hiv/aids Dan Pekerjaan.RM25.00

99. B0126Pendidikan Dan Hiv/aids Suatu Jendela Harapan(education And Hiv/aids A Window On Hope).RM25.00

100. B0127Perintah-perintah Am. RM35.00

101. B0128Pekeliling Kemajuan Pentadbiran Am.RM30.00

102. B0129Undang-undang Umum -jilid 2.RM20.00

103. B0130Decades Of Occupational Safety And Health In Malaysia.RM15.00

104. B0131Titikan Semakan Ergonomi (ergonomic Checkpoints)-ilo.RM60.00

105. B0132Guidelines On Occupational Safety And Health For Working With Video Display Units (vdus).RM8.00

106. B0134Guidelines On Occupational Safety And Health In Tunnel Construction.RM8.00

107. B0135Akta Pekerjaan Dan Peraturan-peraturan -akta 265 (mdc).RM20.00

108. B0141Buku Panduan Akta Keselamatan Dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan.RM16.00

109. B0147Akta Jalan, Parit Dan Bangunan 1974 (akta 133)- Golden Book.RM15.00

110. B0149Nadopod (notification Of Accident, Dangerous Occurrence, Occupational Poisoning And Occupational Disease).RM7.00

111. B0150Akta Keselamatan Sosial Pekerja Dan Peraturan (mdc).RM25.00

112. B0151Guidelines On Gender Issues In Occupational Safety And Health(dosh).RM8.00

113. B0152Guidelines On Occupational Safety And Health In Fishing And Aquaculture Operation - (dosh).RM12.00

114. B0154Private Healthcare Facilities And Services Act (act 586)- Mdc.RM15.00

115. B0155Emergency Care.RM150.00

116. B0156Police Act 1967 (act 344) And Rules & Regulations- Ilbs.RM28.00

117. B0157Melaksanakan Pengurusan Keselamatan Menyeluruh.RM50.00

118. B0159Akta Kilang Dan Jentera Dan Peraturan-peraturan (akta 139).RM25.00

119. B0160Guidelines On Preventing And Responding To Drugs And Alcohol Problems In Workplace: (dosh).RM9.00

120. B0161Guidelines On First Aid In Workplace (2nd Edition)- Dosh.RM8.00

121. B0162Guidelines On Occupational Safety And Health In Logging Operation: (dosh).RM18.00

122. B0163Guidelines On Occupational Safety And Health In Services Sector: (dosh).RM18.00

123. B0164Guidelines For Control Of Occupational Noise (dosh).RM18.00

124. B0165Keselamatan Dan Kesihatan Dalam Penggunaan Bahan Kimia Di Tempat Kerja (safety And Health In The Use Of Chemicals At Work).RM50.00

125. B0166Guidelines On Occupational Health Services -dosh.RM8.00

126. B0167A Guide For Writing Chemical Health Risk Assessment Report (dosh).RM8.00

127. B0168Manual Pertolongan Cemas (disemak & Dikemaskini) 2nd.RM40.00

128. B0169Code Of Practice On Indoor Air Quality (dosh).RM8.00

129. B0170Kod Amalan Pencegahan Dan Pembasmian Penyalahgunaan Dadah, Alkohol Dan Bahan Di Tempat Kerja (code Of Practice On Prevention And Eradication Of Drug, Alcohol And Substance Abuse In The Workplace) : Dosh.RM10.00

130. B0172Guidelines On Occupational Safety & Health (notification Of Accident, Dangerous Occurance, Occupational Poisoning & Occupational Disease) Regulations 2004 - Nadopod.RM35.00

131. B0173Akta Suruhanjaya Tenaga(energy Commission Act) Act 610.RM15.00

132. B0174Electricity Supply Act And Regulations (act 447/448): Mdc.RM20.00

133. B0176Guidelines On The Use Of Personal Protective Equipment Against Chemical Hazards-dosh.RM22.00

134. B0177Private Healthcare Facilities & Services Act.RM45.00

135. B0179Guideline On Occupational Safety & Health 1997 (514).RM35.00

136. B0180My Reflections On Osh ( Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye).RM40.00

137. B0181My Reflections On Osh ( Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye)- hardcover.RM60.00

138. B0182Malaysia Negara Kita.RM25.00

139. B0183Malaysia Factories Handbook (Volume 1 & Volume II ).RM60.00

140. B0185Guidelines On Storage Of Hazardous Chemicals.RM25.00

141. B0186Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Industri.RM17.00

142. B0187Akta Racun Makhluk Perosak & Peraturan2.RM18.00

143. B0188Suara-Suara Mangsa.RM30.00

144. B0198Guidelines for The Prevention of Falls at Workplace.RM20.00

145. B0204Guideline HIRARC.RM12.00


* All Prices are subject to change without notice


distributes these books:

SABAH 25 YEARS LATER (1963-1988)
Price: RM70.00

Price: RM30.00

Price: RM20.00

Kadazandusun Professionals
Price: RM35.00

CAUSES OF POLITICAL INSTABILITY - Dr Jeffrey Kitingan. Price: RM 25.00


ISBN 9789679502718--Price: RM 75.00

ISBN 9789679502763
Price: RM 27.00

ISBN 9789679502220
Price: RM 23.00

Undang-Undang Sivil & Islam

ISBN 9832422051

Pls Contact:
Borneo Resources Network Sdn Bhd
Tel & Fax: 088-253979 / HP: 019-8703782 (Steven)