Key Advisor / Trainer:
Allan G Dumbong, 44, has more than 10 years of experience in the HSEQ fields. He is a trained Safety and Health Officer (SHO) from the National Insitute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Malaysia. He has also attended several CEP courses on OSH that helped him in advising a number of industries in his hometown, Sabah, Malaysia. He is also a trained and experienced environmental consultant, registered with the Department of Environment (DOE) as a Social Impact Assessment (SIA) Consultant. With the completion of the International Environmental Management Auditors (IEMA) Approved Environmental Management Systems (EMS) Lead Auditor Course, he now qualifies as a First & Second Party as well as a Provisional Third Party Auditor on EMS ISO14001:2004. He has also completed the International Register of Certificated Auditors (IRCA) approved Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OHSMS) 18001:2007 Lead Auditor Course, which qualifies him to be a First, Second and Provisional Third Party Auditor for the OSHAS18001:2007. He has also completed the NIOSH's Train The Trainer (TTT1) to enable him to develop and conduct training and assessment on the appropriate HSEQ courses.
He has been associated with the Department of Environment (DOE), Malaysia, Environment Protection Department (EPD) Sabah, NIOSH and Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) Malaysia, BSI Management Systems and involved in a number of seminars, workshops and dialogues with these institutions.
Mr Allan holds BA Hons (Political Sc.) from the National University of Malaysia, Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, USA and Master of Advanced Business Practice (MAdvBusPrac) from University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia.
His previous jobs include as a researcher (politics & community dev.); administrator; HR practitioner; investment analyst; environment, safety & health officer; and university lecturer. Given his education, training exposure and working experience, Mr Allan is considered a multi-disciplinary person, blending all his knowledge, insights and judgements into a holistic approach. He is now a "HSEQ Advisor", and readily available to advice organisations (public, private & NGOs) on these disciplines.